Recent Publications

RMIT Geospatial Sciences Recent Journal Publications

Scopus-listed journal publications Jan 2018 – Sep 2021 only

Hordyniec, P., Kuleshov, Y., Choy, S., Norman, R. (2021). Observation of Deep Occultation Signals in Tropical Cyclones With COSMIC-2 Measurements. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters -(-).

Mitchell, D.L., Soto-Berelov, M., Langford, W.T., Jones, S.D. (2021). Factors confounding koala habitat mapping at multiple decision-making scales. Ecological Management and Restoration 22(2).

Wang, X., Kealy, A., Li, W., Jelfs, B., Gilliam, C., May, S.L., Moran, B. (2021). Toward autonomous uav localization via aerial image registration. Electronics (Switzerland) 10(4).

Webber, M., Han, X., Rogers, S., Wang, M., Jiang, H., Zhang, W., Barnett, J., Zhen, N. (2021). Inside-out: Chinese academic assessments of large-scale water infrastructure. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water -(-).

Teofilo, A., Sun, Q.C., Radosevic, N., Tao, Y., Iringan, J., Liu, C. (2021). Investigating potential rooftop solar energy generated by Leased Federal Airports in Australia: Framework and implications. Journal of Building Engineering 41(-).

Wallace, L., Sun, Q.C., Hally, B., Hillman, S., Both, A., Hurley, J., Martin Saldias, D.S. (2021). Linking urban tree inventories to remote sensing data for individual tree mapping. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 61(-).

Gabela, J., Kealy, A., Hedley, M., Moran, B. (2021). Case study of Bayesian RAIM algorithm integrated with Spatial Feature Constraint and Fault Detection and Exclusion algorithms for multi-sensor positioning. Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation 68(2).

Saldias, D.S.M., Reinke, K., Mclennan, B., Wallace, L. (2021). The influence of satellite imagery on landscape perception. Landscape Research 46(6).

Winter, S., Baldwin, T., Tomko, M., Renz, J., Kuhn, W., Vasardani, M. (2021). Spatial concepts in the conversation with a computer. Communications of the ACM 64(7).
Engel, C.B., Jones, S.D., Reinke, K.J. (2021). Real-time detection of daytime and night-time fire hotspots from geostationary satellites. Remote Sensing 13(9).

Sun, Q.C., Macleod, T., Both, A., Hurley, J., Butt, A., Amati, M. (2021). A human-centred assessment framework to prioritise heat mitigation efforts for active travel at city scale. Science of the Total Environment 763(-).

Bhardwaj, J., Kuleshov, Y., Chua, Z.-W., Watkins, A.B., Choy, S., Sun, Q. (2021). Building capacity for a user‐centred integrated early warning system for drought in Papua New Guinea. Remote Sensing 13(16).

Smith, J.V., Holden, L. (2021). Rock slope kinematic instability controlled by large-scale variation of basalt column orientation. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 80(1).

Kattel, G., Reeves, J., Western, A., Zhang, W., Jing, W., McGowan, S., Cuo, L., Scales, P., Dowling, K., He, Q., Wang, L., Capon, S., Pan, Z., Cui, J., Zhang, L., Xiao, L., Liu, C., Zhang, K., Gao, C., Tian, Z., Liu, Y. (2021). Healthy waterways and ecologically sustainable cities in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei urban agglomeration (northern China): Challenges and future directions. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water 8(2).

Amores, D., Tanin, E., Vasardani, M. (2021). A proactive route planning approach to navigation errors. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 35(6).

Tao, Y., Both, A., Silveira, R.I., Buchin, K., Sijben, S., Purves, R.S., Laube, P., Peng, D., Toohey, K., Duckham, M. (2021). A comparative analysis of trajectory similarity measures. GIScience and Remote Sensing 58(5).

Duong, V., Harima, K., Choy, S., Rizos, C. (2021). GNSS best integer equivariant estimation using multivariant t-distribution: a case study for precise point positioning. Journal of Geodesy 95(1).

Hillman, S., Hally, B., Wallace, L., Turner, D., Lucieer, A., Reinke, K., Jones, S. (2021). High-resolution estimates of fire severity—an evaluation of uas image and lidar mapping approaches on a sedgeland forest boundary in tasmania, australia. Fire 4(1).

Holden, L.D., Larson, K.M. (2021). Ten years of Lake Taupō surface height estimates using the GNSS interferometric reflectometry. Journal of Geodesy 95(7).

Hong, Z., Ding, S., Zhao, Q., Qiu, P., Chang, J., Peng, L., Wang, S., Hong, Y., Liu, G.-J. (2021). Plant trait-environment trends and their conservation implications for riparian wetlands in the Yellow River. Science of the Total Environment 767(-).

Mitchell, D., Barth, B., Ho, S., Sait, M.S., McEvoy, D. (2021). The benefits of fit-for-purpose land administration for urban community resilience in a time of climate change and covid-19 pandemic. Land 10(6).

Li, S., Wachowicz, M., Fan, H. (2021). Analytics of big geosocial media and crowdsourced data. Big Earth Data 5(1).

Zaminpardaz, S., Teunissen, P.J.G. (2021). How Abnormal Are the PDFs of the DIA Method: A Quality Description in the Context of GNSS. International Association of Geodesy Symposia 151(-).

Zhang, W., Zhang, S., Ding, N., Holden, L., Wang, X., Zheng, N. (2021). GNSS-RS Tomography: Retrieval of Tropospheric Water Vapor Fields Using GNSS and RS Observations. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing -(-).

Taneja, R., Hilton, J., Wallace, L., Reinke, K., Jones, S. (2021). Effect of fuel spatial resolution on predictive wildfire models. International Journal of Wildland Fire -(-).

Paziewski, J., Kealy, A., Gikas, V., Geng, J. (2021). Recent advances in ubiquitous positioning systems for mobility applications. Measurement Science and Technology 32(9).

Engel, C.B., Jones, S.D., Reinke, K. (2021). A Seasonal-Window Ensemble-Based Thresholding Technique Used to Detect Active Fires in Geostationary Remotely Sensed Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 59(6).

Liu, C., Yang, R.J., Yu, X., Sun, C., Wong, P.S.P., Zhao, H. (2021). Virtual power plants for a sustainable urban future. Sustainable Cities and Society 65(-).

Duong, V., Choy, S., Rizos, C. (2021). BIE using multivariant t-distribution and the iFlex method for GNSS PPP. ION 2021 International Technical Meeting Proceedings -(-).

Bergado, J.R., Persello, C., Reinke, K., Stein, A. (2021). Predicting wildfire burns from big geodata using deep learning. Safety Science 140(-).

Cerutti, V., Bellman, C., Both, A., Duckham, M., Jenny, B., Lemmens, R.L.G., Ostermann, F.O. (2021). Improving the reproducibility of geospatial scientific workflows: the use of geosocial media in facilitating disaster response. Journal of Spatial Science 66(3).

Currie, J.L., Carter, B.A., Retterer, J., Dao, T., Pradipta, R., Caton, R., Groves, K., Otsuka, Y., Yokoyama, T., Hozumi, K., Le Truong, T., Terkildsen, M. (2021). On the Generation of an Unseasonal EPB Over South East Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126(2).

Worboys, M., Duckham, M. (2021). Qualitative-geometric ‘surrounds’ relations between disjoint regions. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 35(5).

Rakoto, P.Y., Deilami, K., Hurley, J., Amati, M., Sun, Q.C. (2021). Revisiting the cooling effects of urban greening: Planning implications of vegetation types and spatial configuration. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening 64(-).

Black, K., Wachowicz, M. (2021). Clustering spatio-temporal bi-partite graphs for finding crowdsourcing communities in IoMT networks. Big Earth Data 5(1).

Maduako, I., Gong, Y., Wachowicz, M. (2021). Building k-partite association graphs for finding recommendation patterns from questionnaire data. Transactions in GIS -(-).

Bai, Y.B., Kealy, A., Holden, L. (2021). Evaluation and correction of smartphone-based fine time range measurements. International Journal of Image and Data Fusion 12(3).

Zaminpardaz, S., Teunissen, P.J.G., Khodabandeh, A. (2021). GLONASS–only FDMA+CDMA RTK: Performance and outlook. GPS Solutions 25(3).

Guffogg, J.A., Soto-Berelov, M., Jones, S.D., Bellman, C.J., Lavers, J.L., Skidmore, A.K. (2021). Towards the spectral mapping of plastic debris on beaches. Remote Sensing 13(9).

Li, W., Jelfs, B., Kealy, A., Wang, X., Moran, B. (2021). Cooperative localization using distance measurements for mobile nodes. Sensors 21(4).

Griffin, A., Kirkbride, K.P., Henry, J., Painter, B., Linacre, A. (2021). DNA on drugs! A preliminary investigation of DNA deposition during the handling of illicit drug capsules. Forensic Science International: Genetics 54(-).

Khodabandeh, A., Zaminpardaz, S., Nadarajah, N. (2021). A study on multi-GNSS phase-only positioning. Measurement Science and Technology 32(9).

Jiang, M., Webber, M., Barnett, J., Zhang, W., Liu, G. (2021). Making a water market intermediary: the China Water Exchange. International Journal of Water Resources Development -(-).

Liu, Y., Wang, M., Webber, M., Zhou, C., Zhang, W. (2020). Alternative water supply solutions: China’s South-to-North-water-diversion in Jinan. Journal of Environmental Management 276(-).

Yu, J., Wang, W., Holden, L., Liu, Z., Wu, L., Zhang, S., Zhang, K. (2020). Enhancing the quality of tomographic image by means of image reconstruction based on hybrid grids. Advances in Space Research 66(3).

Radosevic, N., Duckham, M., Liu, G.-J., Sun, Q. (2020). Solar radiation modeling with KNIME and Solar Analyst: Increasing environmental model reproducibility using scientific workflows. Environmental Modelling and Software 132(-).

Duong, V., Harima, K., Choy, S., Laurichesse, D., Rizos, C. (2020). An assessment of wide-lane ambiguity resolution methods for multi-frequency multi-GNSS precise point positioning. Survey Review 52(374).

Choy, S., Harima, K. (2020). Design of a Compact, Multifrequency, Multiconstellation GNSS Precise Point Positioning Correction Format. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 56(4).

Chen, D., Luo, Z., Webber, M., Rogers, S., Rutherfurd, I., Wang, M., Finlayson, B., Jiang, M., Shi, C., Zhang, W. (2020). Between project and region: The challenges of managing water in Shandong province after the South-North water transfer project. Water Alternatives 13(1).

Masiero, A., Perakis, H., Gabela, J., Toth, C., Gikas, V., Retscher, G., Goel, S., Kealy, A., Koppányi, Z., Błaszczak-Bak, W., Li, Y., Grejner-Brzezinska, D. (2020). Indoor navigation and mapping: Performance analysis of UWB-based platform positioning. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives 43(1).

Yang, Y., Moran, B., Wang, X., Brown, T.C., Williams, S., Pan, Q. (2020). Experimental analysis of a game-theoretic formulation of target tracking. Automatica 114(-).

McGlade, J., Wallace, L., Hally, B., White, A., Reinke, K., Jones, S. (2020). An early exploration of the use of the Microsoft Azure Kinect for estimation of urban tree Diameter at Breast Height. Remote Sensing Letters 11(11).

Richard, R., Cao, H., Wachowicz, M. (2020). Discovering EV Recharging Patterns through an Automated Analytical Workflow. 2020 IEEE International Smart Cities Conference, ISC2 2020 -(-).

Teunissen, P.J.G., Zaminpardaz, S., Khodabandeh, A. (2020). First results of glonass-only Cdma+Fdma integer ambiguity resolution. 2020 European Navigation Conference, ENC 2020 -(-).

Rong, P., Zhang, Y., Qin, Y., Liu, G., Liu, R. (2020). Spatial patterns and driving factors of urban residential embedded carbon emissions: An empirical study in Kaifeng, China. Journal of Environmental Management 271(-).

Le May, S., Carter, B.A., Gehly, S., Flegel, S., Jah, M. (2020). Representing and querying space object registration data using graph databases. Acta Astronautica 173(-).

Jin, C., Cai, B., Wang, J., Shangguan, W., Kealy, A. (2020). Improved Navigation Application Precise Point Positioning Method in Railways. Tiedao Xuebao/Journal of the China Railway Society 42(12).

Hamzei, E., Li, H., Vasardani, M., Baldwin, T., Winter, S., Tomko, M. (2020). Place questions and human-generated answers: A data analysis approach. Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography -(-).

McConachie, F., Jenny, B., Reinke, K., Arrowsmith, C. (2020). Barapa Country through Barapa eyes: cultural mapping of Gunbower Island, Australia. Journal of Maps 16(1).

Zaminpardaz, S., Teunissen, P.J.G., Tiberius, C.C.J.M. (2020). On the evaluation of confidence levels with application to GNSS. Proceedings of the 33rd International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of the Institute of Navigation, ION GNSS+ 2020 -(-).

Ma, J., Zhang, Q., Chen, F., Zhu, Q., Wang, Y., Liu, G. (2020). Remediation of resins-contaminated soil by the combination of electrokinetic and bioremediation processes. Environmental Pollution 260(-).

Ristic, B., Rosenberg, L., Kim, D.Y., Wang, X., Williams, J. (2020). Bernoulli track-before-detect filter for maritime radar. IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation 14(3).

Wickramasinghe, C., Wallace, L., Reinke, K., Jones, S. (2020). Intercomparison of Himawari-8 AHI-FSA with MODIS and VIIRS active fire products. International Journal of Digital Earth 13(4).

Cheong, L., Kinkeldey, C., Burfurd, I., Bleisch, S., Duckham, M. (2020). Evaluating the impact of visualization of risk upon emergency route-planning. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 34(5).

Fallatah, A., Jones, S., Mitchell, D. (2020). Object-based random forest classification for informal settlements identification in the Middle East: Jeddah a case study. International Journal of Remote Sensing 41(11).

Fallatah, A., Jones, S., Mitchell, D. (2020). Object-based random forest classification for informal settlements identification in the Middle East: Jeddah a case study. International Journal of Remote Sensing 41(11).

Salman, A., Siddiqui, S.A., Shafait, F., Mian, A., Shortis, M.R., Khurshid, K., Ulges, A., Schwanecke, U. (2020). Automatic fish detection in underwater videos by a deep neural network-based hybrid motion learning system. ICES Journal of Marine Science 77(4).

Nguyen, T.H., Jones, S., Soto-Berelov, M., Haywood, A., Hislop, S. (2020). Landsat time-series for estimating forest aboveground biomass and its dynamics across space and time: A review. Remote Sensing 12(1).

Jalal, A., Salman, A., Mian, A., Shortis, M., Shafait, F. (2020). Fish detection and species classification in underwater environments using deep learning with temporal information. Ecological Informatics 57(-).

Ma, J., Zhang, Q., Chen, F., Zhu, Q., Wang, Y., Liu, G. (2020). Remediation of PBDEs-metal co-contaminated soil by the combination of metal stabilization, persulfate oxidation and bioremediation. Chemosphere 252(-).

Qin, K., Han, X., Li, D., Xu, J., Li, D., Loyola, D., Zhou, X., Xue, Y., Zhang, K., Yuan, L. (2020). Satellite-based estimation of surface NO2 concentrations over east-central China: A comparison of POMINO and OMNO2d data. Atmospheric Environment 224(-).

Cai, H., Gehly, S., Yang, Y., Zhang, K. (2020). Modeling birth for the labeled multi-Bernoulli filter using a boundary-value approach. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 43(1).

Li, W., Zhao, D., He, C., Hu, A., Zhang, K. (2020). Advanced machine learning optimized by the genetic algorithm in ionospheric models using long-term multi-instrument observations. Remote Sensing 12(5).

McEvoy, D., Mitchell, D., Trundle, A. (2020). Land tenure and urban climate resilience in the South Pacific. Climate and Development 12(1).

Grant, D., Enemark, S., Zevenbergen, J., Mitchell, D., McCamley, G. (2020). The Cadastral triangular model. Land Use Policy 97(-).

Duong, V., Harima, K., Choy, S., Laurichesse, D., Rizos, C. (2020). Assessing the performance of multi-frequency GPS, Galileo and BeiDou PPP ambiguity resolution. Journal of Spatial Science 65(1).

Rathnayake, W.M.C., Jones, S., Soto-Berelov, M. (2020). Mapping land cover change over a 25-year period (1993-2018) in Sri Lanka using landsat time-series. Land 9(1).

Griffin, A.L. (2020). Trustworthy maps. Journal of Spatial Information Science 20(-).

Fallatah, A., Jones, S., Mitchell, D. (2020). Object-based random forest classification for informal settlements identification in the Middle East: Jeddah a case study. International Journal of Remote Sensing 41(11).

Ma, J., Zhang, Q., Chen, F., Zhu, Q., Wang, Y., Liu, G. (2020). Remediation of resins-contaminated soil by the combination of electrokinetic and bioremediation processes. Environmental Pollution 260(-).

Retscher, G., Kealy, A., Gabela, J., Li, Y., Goel, S., Toth, C.K., Masiero, A., Błaszczak-Bąk, W., Gikas, V., Perakis, H., Koppanyi, Z., Grejner-Brzezinska, D. (2020). A benchmarking measurement campaign in GNSS-denied/challenged indoor/outdoor and transitional environments. Journal of Applied Geodesy -(-).

McConachie, F., Jenny, B., Reinke, K., Arrowsmith, C. (2020). Barapa Country through Barapa eyes: cultural mapping of Gunbower Island, Australia. Journal of Maps 16(1).

Hong, Z., Zhao, Q., Chang, J., Peng, L., Wang, S., Hong, Y., Liu, G., Ding, S. (2020). Evaluation of water quality and heavy metals in wetlands along the yellow river in Henan province. Sustainability (Switzerland) 12(4).

Cheong, L., Kinkeldey, C., Burfurd, I., Bleisch, S., Duckham, M. (2020). Evaluating the impact of visualization of risk upon emergency route-planning. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 34(5).

Duong, V., Harima, K., Choy, S., Laurichesse, D., Rizos, C. (2020). An assessment of wide-lane ambiguity resolution methods for multi-frequency multi-GNSS precise point positioning. Survey Review 52(374).

He, Q., Zhang, K., Wu, S., Zhao, Q., Wang, X., Shen, Z., Li, L., Wan, M., Liu, X. (2020). Real-Time GNSS-derived PWV for typhoon characterizations: A case study for super Typhoon Mangkhut in Hong Kong. Remote Sensing 12(1).

Wickramasinghe, C., Wallace, L., Reinke, K., Jones, S. (2020). Intercomparison of Himawari-8 AHI-FSA with MODIS and VIIRS active fire products. International Journal of Digital Earth 13(4).

Panuju, D.R., Paull, D.J., Griffin, A.L. (2020). Change detection techniques based on multispectral images for investigating land cover dynamics. Remote Sensing 12(11).

Zhu, Q., Ma, J., Chen, F., Li, X., Zhang, S., Liu, G. (2020). Treatment of hydraulic fracturing flowback water using the combination of gel breaking, magnetic-enhanced coagulation, and electrocatalytic oxidation. Separation Science and Technology (Philadelphia) 55(10).

Panuju, D.R., J. Paull, D., Griffin, A.L. (2020). Spatio-temporal quality distribution of MODIS vegetation collections 5 and 6: implications for forest-non-forest separability. International Journal of Remote Sensing 41(1).

Li, L., Shen, Z., He, Q., Wan, M., Zhang, K., Wu, S. (2020). Radiosonde-Based New Spatiotemporal Modelling for the Construction of Temperature Profiles for GNSS Applications. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 650(-).

Yu, J., Wang, W., Holden, L., Liu, Z., Wu, L., Zhang, S., Zhang, K. (2020). Enhancing the quality of tomographic image by means of image reconstruction based on hybrid grids. Advances in Space Research 66(3).

Radosevic, N., Duckham, M., Liu, G.-J., Sun, Q. (2020). Solar radiation modeling with KNIME and Solar Analyst: Increasing environmental model reproducibility using scientific workflows. Environmental Modelling and Software 132(-).

Brodie, G., Thanigasalam, D.B., Farrell, P., Kealy, A., French, J.R.J., Ahmed, B. (2020). An in-situ assessment of wood-in-service using microwave technologies, with a focus on assessing hardwood power poles. Insects 11(9).

Cai, H., Yang, Y., Gehly, S., He, C., Jah, M. (2020). Sensor tasking for search and catalog maintenance of geosynchronous space objects. Acta Astronautica 175(-).

Le May, S., Carter, B.A., Gehly, S., Flegel, S., Jah, M. (2020). Representing and querying space object registration data using graph databases. Acta Astronautica 173(-).

Briggs, C., Burfurd, I., Duckham, M., Guntarik, O., Kerr, D., McMillan, M., San Martin Saldias, D. (2020). Bridging the geospatial gap: Data about space and indigenous knowledge of place. Geography Compass 14(11).

Shen, Z., He, Q., Li, L., Zhang, K., Wu, S. (2020). Daily Climatological Fields Based on GNSS Radio Occultation Measurements: A Feasibility Study. Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 650(-).

Ge, X., Zhu, F., Yang, Y., Liu, G., Chen, F. (2020). Probing influence factors of implementation patterns for sustainable land consolidation: Insights from seventeen years of practice in Jiangsu province, China. Sustainability (Switzerland) 12(9).

Rong, P., Zhang, Y., Qin, Y., Liu, G., Liu, R. (2020). Spatial patterns and driving factors of urban residential embedded carbon emissions: An empirical study in Kaifeng, China. Journal of Environmental Management 271(-).

Choy, S., Harima, K. (2020). Design of a Compact, Multifrequency, Multiconstellation GNSS Precise Point Positioning Correction Format. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 56(4).

Masiero, A., Perakis, H., Gabela, J., Toth, C., Gikas, V., Retscher, G., Goel, S., Kealy, A., Koppányi, Z., Błaszczak-Bak, W., Li, Y., Grejner-Brzezinska, D. (2020). Indoor navigation and mapping: Performance analysis of UWB-based platform positioning. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences – ISPRS Archives 43(1).

McLennan, B.J., Whittaker, J., Kruger, T., Handmer, J. (2020). Navigating authority and legitimacy when ‘outsider’ volunteers co-produce emergency management services. Environmental Hazards -(-).

Cairns, I.H., Charles, C., Dempster, A.G., Funamoto, J., Cheong, J.W., Peacock, W., Lam, J., Osborne, B., Andrew, W., Croston, T., Southwell, B., Boswell, R.W., Monger, A.G., Betters, C.H., Leon-Saval, S.G., Bland-Hawthorn, J., Khachan, J., Wu, X., Manidis, S., Tsifakis, D., Maj, R. (2020). The INSPIRE-2 CubeSat for the QB50 Project. Space Science Reviews 216(3).

Li, W., He, C., Hu, A., Zhao, D., Shen, Y., Zhang, K. (2020). A new method for improving the performance of an ionospheric model developed by multi-instrument measurements based on artificial neural network. Advances in Space Research -(-).

Ding, N., Yan, X., Zhang, S., Wu, S., Wang, X., Zhang, Y., Wang, Y., Liu, X., Zhang, W., Holden, L., Zhang, K. (2020). Node-based optimization of GNSS tomography with a minimum bounding box algorithm. Remote Sensing 12(17).

Sharma, R., Eklund, J., Barnes, M., Geldmann, J., Schleicher, J., Pressey, R.L., Gutierrez, M., Jones, S., Gordon, A. (2020). The impact of terrestrial protected areas on vegetation extent and condition: A systematic review protocol. Environmental Evidence 9(1).

Smith, J.V., Holden, L. (2020). Rock slope kinematic instability controlled by large-scale variation of basalt column orientation. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment -(-).

Reifels, L., Arbon, P., Capon, A., Handmer, J., Humphrey, A., Murray, V., Spencer, C., Wong, D.F. (2020). Impact of Thermospheric Mass Density on the Orbit Prediction of LEO Satellites. Space Weather 18(1).

He, C., Yang, Y., Carter, B., Zhang, K., Hu, A., Li, W., Deleflie, F., Norman, R., Wu, S. (2020). Impedance and Voltage Power Spectra of a Monopole Antenna in a Warm Plasma—Derivation and Application to CubeSats. Radio Science 55(4).

Maj, R., Cairns, I.H., Martinović, M.M. (2020). An early exploration of the use of the Microsoft Azure Kinect for estimation of urban tree Diameter at Breast Height. Remote Sensing Letters 11(11).

McGlade, J., Wallace, L., Hally, B., White, A., Reinke, K., Jones, S. (2020). On the Assessment of Daily Equatorial Plasma Bubble Occurrence Modeling and Forecasting. Space Weather 18(9).

Carter, B.A., Currie, J.L., Dao, T., Yizengaw, E., Retterer, J., Terkildsen, M., Groves, K., Caton, R. (2020). Terrestrial image-based point clouds for mapping near-ground vegetation structure: Potential and limitations. Fire 3(4).

Wallace, L., Hally, B., Hillman, S., Jones, S.D., Reinke, K. (2020). Robust Vehicle Localization and Integrity Monitoring Based on Spatial Feature Constrained PF. 2020 IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium, PLANS 2020 -(-).

Gabela, J., Majic, I., Kealy, A., Hedley, M., Li, S. (2020). An evaluation of Fengyun-3C radio occultation atmospheric profiles over 2015-2018. Remote Sensing 12(13).

Wei, J., Li, Y., Zhang, K., Liao, M., Bai, W., Liu, C., Liu, Y., Wang, X. (2019). A novel NLOS mitigation algorithm for UWB localization in harsh indoor environments. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68(1).

Yu, K., Wen, K., Li, Y., Zhang, S., Zhang, K. (2019). Identifying the essential flood conditioning factors for flood prone area mapping using machine learning techniques. Catena 175(-).

Tehrany, M.S., Jones, S., Shabani, F. (2019). Spatial assessment of farmland soil pollution and its potential human health risks in China. Science of the Total Environment 687(-).

Zeng, S., Ma, J., Yang, Y., Zhang, S., Liu, G.-J., Chen, F. (2019). A novel ensemble modeling approach for the spatial prediction of tropical forest fire susceptibility using LogitBoost machine learning classifier and multi-source geospatial data. Theoretical and Applied Climatology 137(1-2).

Voigt, P., Vogt, C., Schubert, R., Stokes, H., Underwood, C., Cornogolub, A., Macdonald, M., Kerr, E., Smith, L.J., Förstner, R., Wander, A., Konstantinidis, K., Valli, M., Brilli, S., Lips, T., Pérez, L.L., Ghizoni, L., Kristensen, A., Nielsen, J.F.D., McInnes, C., Bensoussan, D. (2019). Geometric comparison and quality evaluation of 3D models of indoor environments. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 149(-).

Tehrany, M.S., Jones, S., Shabani, F., Martínez-Álvarez, F., Tien Bui, D. (2019). Aerosol vertical distribution and sources estimation at a site of the Yangtze River Delta region of China. Atmospheric Research 217(-).

Tran, H., Khoshelham, K., Kealy, A. (2019). Shape Grammar Approach to 3D Modeling of Indoor Environments Using Point Clouds. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 33(1).

Fan, W., Qin, K., Xu, J., Yuan, L., Li, D., Jin, Z., Zhang, K. (2019). Variation of leaf angle distribution quantified by terrestrial LiDAR in natural European beech forest. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 148(-).

Tran, H., Khoshelham, K., Kealy, A., Díaz-Vilariño, L. (2019). A fusion approach to forest disturbance mapping using time series ensemble techniques. Remote Sensing of Environment 221(-).

Liu, J., Skidmore, A.K., Wang, T., Zhu, X., Premier, J., Heurich, M., Beudert, B., Jones, S. (2019). A new troposphere tomography algorithm with a truncation factor model (TFM) for GNSS networks. GPS Solutions 23(3).

Hislop, S., Jones, S., Soto-Berelov, M., Skidmore, A., Haywood, A., Nguyen, T.H. (2019). Forest phenology dynamics to climate change and topography in a geographic and climate transition zone: The Qinling Mountains in Central China. Forests 10(11).

Zhao, Q., Zhang, K., Yao, Y., Li, X. (2019). A novel GIS-based ensemble technique for flood susceptibility mapping using evidential belief function and support vector machine: Brisbane, Australia. PeerJ 2019(10).

Rathnayake, C.W.M., Jones, S., Soto-Berelov, M. (2019). Range validation of UWB and Wi-Fi for integrated indoor positioning. Applied Geomatics 11(2).

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